car insurance policy types

The 3 Types of Car Insurance in Kenya: Which One Is The Best?

Purchasing the right car insurance can be a bit difficult if you lack the relevant information. Car insurance cover is an essential part of the car buying process. Having the right cover prevents you from spending a lot of money repairing your car in case of an accident.


Car accidents are very common on the Kenyan roads. This can be attributed to reckless driving or poor road conditions. However, when buying a car insurance policy, you can not settle on just any cover. You need to conduct in-depth research.


In Kenya, there are three major types of car insurance covers that you can choose from. We have listed them below.

  • Third-party insurance
  • Third-party fire and theft insurance
  • Comprehensive car insurance

1. Third party car insuranceThird party car insurance- types of car insurance

This type of policy offers the most basic benefits. It is a plan you can opt for if you are trying to save money or your car will be in long term storage. It barely protects your car from accidental damage but meets the Kenyan Law of ensuring all cars are insured.


You can settle for this cover if you are sure your car will not experience any serious risks. Third-party car insurance caters to the repair bills of the third party in case of an accident.


On the other hand, it does not cover your medical expenses or any repair costs for your car.

2. Third party fire and theft insuranceThird party car fires and theft insurance- types of car insurance

This type of policy offers better coverage for your car. Unlike the third party cover, this particular policy protects your car from everyday risks such as theft and fire.


You may think car fire accidents are very rare. But, on the contrary, they are quite common. It is advisable to insure your car from such incidents. Third-party fire and theft policy cover is also quite affordable. Talk to your policy provider and find out their terms and conditions before settling for this cover.

3. Comprehensive car insurance

comprehensive car insurance- types of car insurance

This is the most recommended cover for a car. This policy protects your car from various risks your car may face. The first benefit of this type of cover is that it protects you from totally losing your car.


Total loss can be as a result of theft, fire or a road accident.
This policy also protects your car from theft of car parts. The spare parts business in Kenya is quite lucrative. This makes your car a target for thieves to steal its part and sell it off in the black market. If this happens to you, you can make a claim and the insurance firm can compensate you.


Another major benefit of this type of policy is that you do not have to pay for accidental damage to your car. In case you are involved in an accident, all you have to do is contact your service provider and they will repair it for you.


Additionally, you can enhance the cover to include uncommon risks such as political violence and terror. This ensures your car is protected against all kinds of risks.
The comprehensive car insurance is the best as it ensures your car is protected at all times.



It is important to understand the different types of insurance policy to make wise decisions. Depending on your car needs and finances, you can settle for either of the three policy types. You also have to remember that it is illegal to drive a car without an insurance cover.

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