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How to Reduce Your Car’s Fuel Usage

Just as air is to humans, so is fuel to a car. Using your car’s fuel judiciously, especially during tough times is very important. This is because your car’s fuel is like the blood that runs in your veins. As a human, you cannot function without blood in your system, so your car cannot function as it is designed to.

This article is for you to be able to minimize your car fuel while enjoying the maximum function of your car without stress. To ensure that your vehicle is not consuming too much fuel, here are some ways to limit car fuel consumption.

1. Limiting air condition use: Although the climate in Africa can be really hot, desperate times also call for desperate measures. The truth is your car air conditioner does not always need to be on. The air conditioning system in a car consumes a lot of fuel. The best way to ensure that your fuel is not burning out quickly is to have your car’s air conditioning system off.

2. Reduce your car’s speed while on the go: The part of a car that burns the highest amount of fuel is the engine. When you drive at very high speeds, your car burns more fuel as it essentially needs fuel to move. To reduce the amount of fuel being burnt by your car engine, ensure that your car is not moving at a very high speed. Your car should move at a reasonable amount of speed.

3. Maintain a desirable speed: Speeding increases fuel consumption and decreases the fuel economy of your car. This can be a result of tyre rolling resistance and air resistance. The best way to get the best mileage is to maintain a constant speed that is neither too high, nor too low. Every car has a different optimal speed for the best mileage.

4. Proper closure of fuel cap: Studies show that fuel escapes when the fuel caps are not properly closed. Typically, your fuel can evaporate; this allows for fuel to run out fast leaving the vehicle owner confused. When your fuel cap is properly closed, proper usage allows your fuel last.

5. Limit your car’s road usage: When your car is not moving, it is not consuming fuel. With this, you already know not to move around in your car unnecessarily as you are trying to minimize your fuel usage. When you can, take a walk to your destination if it is close by. If you can get an alternative means of commuting, that works well. You can also opt for shorter routes than longer routes.

6. Proper vehicle maintenance: Essentially, ensure that you take proper care of your vehicle. Overall, this reduces your car’s mileage as the mileage has an impact on fuel consumption as well.