
Brake Failure: 6 Signs You Should Never Ignore

There are some auto-repairs that cannot be ignored or postponed; signs of brake failure, tyre issues and engine troubles rank really high on this list. They have to be attended to as if your life depends on them because your life and the safety of your friends and family sharing that ride with you strongly relies on the prime condition of these parts of your car.

A delay in attending to these early signs could result in the issue getting out of hand, jeopardising your personal safety and in many cases, fatality.

Among these issues, the brake deserves special attention. It should be carefully watched as it turns out to be the number one safety feature of your car. Therefore, when you suspect a slight change in the functioning of your brakes, it is important you call your mechanic immediately to have a look at them. They could just be signs that your car is on the verge of experiencing brake failure. Below are 6 signs you should never ignore:

  1. Brake Fluid Leak

There is literally fire on the mountain if you discover a brownish liquid depositing under your car; especially close to a tyre. This sign is a clear warning of possible brake failure, as you may be having a brake fluid leak. Driving the car under this condition is a bad idea and you should call your mechanic immediately.

  1. Brakes Grinding or Squealing


When your brakes start releasing any sharp noise, it is a call for help and repair. Most brake pads are designed with a mechanism that is supposed to make a noise when pads are getting low. But sometimes, this could just be as a result of metal rubbing against metal because you have no brake pads left. Either way, to avoid brake failure, call your mechanic.

  1. Spongy or Soft Brake Pedal

The brakes should present some level of resistance when you hit them. Therefore if your car’s pedal shows sponginess or goes heads for the floor at the slightest hit or you notice a difference in the resistance in the brake pedal, it is a sign of brake failure.

A number of things could be the cause of this and they include from brake fluid leak and low brake pads to air in the lines. It could also mean there is a problem with the master cylinder. Call your mechanic.

  1. Car Pulling to One Side When Braking

This could be caused by a problematic brake hose or calliper. It could be that one calliper is exerting more or all the pressure when applying brakes. But it could also be as a result of a seized wheel cylinder or impurities collected in the brake fluid. The norm is for your car to move continuously on a straight line when braking, but a braking problem stops it from doing so and instead, makes it go left or right when you hit the brakes.

  1. Vibrations

A shaking sensation when you hit the brakes is a sign of brake failure. A possible cause of this could be warped rotors. Rotors are the parts that the brake pads grab in order to create the friction necessary to slow down your vehicle. When the surface is uneven, it reduces your ability to slow the car down.

  1. ABS Light

When the ABS light on your dashboard appears, it is a clear warning that something is amiss. Most times, it could be the sensors of the brake system alerting you to possible trouble that is the trigger of this light that represents an anti-lock braking system.


These signs are important to your personal safety and the longevity of your car and should be taken seriously. Therefore, never put off for tomorrow brake issues noticed today.

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