6 Red Flags To Look Out For When Buying A Used Car

6 Red Flags To Look Out For When Buying A Used Car

Car shopping is one of the experiences we look forward to at some point in our lives. The feeling of walking around in a car dealership looking at viable options is like no other. However, there are a few people who are totally put off by the whole experience of buying a car. They feel like picking out the right car is difficult and the whole process of price negotiation is harder. Whenever you are ready to buy a car, you want to make sure that you are making the right purchase. Here are some red flags you should look out for.

1.Funky smells in the car

Buying a brand new car comes with a lot of nice things such as the new car smell. When you settle for a used car, chances are you will not get to experience this smell. However, this does not mean that you should settle for a car with a funky smell. A car that has been damaged by water or floods will tend to have a mouldy or musty smell emanating from the interiors. Insurance companies consider cars that have been damaged by floods a total loss to insure considering the fact that all systems may have been ruined by water. Additionally, the smell is just not inviting.

2. Uncoordinated paintworkLook out for uncoordinated paintwork when buying a used car

No used car comes without a history which unfortunately includes accidents. This is normal and unavoidable but how the former owner handled the repairs after the accident is what could present a problem. If the car owner tried to cut costs and visited a bad mechanic, it may show in parts of the cars among them, the paintwork. If the technician did a bad job, the paint may be mismatched all over the car. This is a clear indication that the owner did not take care of the car. Ask the seller for repairs documentation to learn more about the condition of the car.

3. Look out for scam sellersLook out for scam sellers when buying a used car

Never pay for a car you have not seen and inspected. In Kenya, a lot of lazy people are trying to dupe people day in day out. Try not to fall prey to these people. If you are purchasing a used car, be wary of a seller who doesn’t want you to test car aspects such as the air conditioning or the infotainment features. Additionally, you can visit Cheki Kenya which is a trusted online car marketplace where the sellers are verified and reduce your level of stress when buying a car.

4. Extremely low pricesLook out for extremely low prices when buying a car

The Cheki True Price tool gives you a rough estimate of the price of a car. An overpriced car with high mileage is not a good pick but a car that is underpriced could also be a red flag. It’s possible the seller may be looking for a way to dispose of the car too fast meaning there is an underlying problem. You can choose to have it carefully looked at by a good mechanic or skip out on it completely.

5. A sudden change in the prices

If you are ready to buy a car and the seller increases the price, walk away. The seller may be out to make more money from you than necessary. Additionally, it may be emotionally exhausting and time-consuming to start bargaining from a high price point. Money is hard to come by, don’t let anyone make easy money through dishonest ways from you.

6. Don’t be bounced off

If you go to buy a car, try and have only one contact person in the whole car buying process. If you are pushed around from one person to another, chances are they are trying to get as much money as possible from you and ultimately confuse you. It is not their fault. They are paid to close the deal with the highest amount of money possible but be careful and try saving money while you are buying your next car.


Buying a car sounds like a horrible experience when you are not armed with adequate information. Be on the lookout for the above red flags and avoid unnecessary frustrations.

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