Three Essential Factors to Consider When Choosing a Car

Every year, new car models hit the market. With close to two hundred models available, choosing just one can be overwhelming. Aside from the purchase price, other factors will determine the choice of vehicle you settle on.


Today we will be focusing on three essential factors to consider when choosing a car.


When buying a car, be keen on its quality. A high-quality car has superior workmanship which in turn contributes to its durability. If you choose a car rated high on quality, you are less likely to experience frequent breakdowns.


Some of the commonly reported issues on quality include; paint peels, rattling noises, issues with the tech features such as the reverse parking assist, cruise control e.t.c.


One thing to note is that newly launched models tend to have a few quality problems in the first year of production. But quality improves in subsequent years. This is pegged on manufacturers having no way to predict future glitches or issues but improvements are made over time.


If you are interested in a particular car model that is new in the market, it is prudent to wait until the second year of production before purchasing it. You will not only save money but also avoid the inconvenience of dealing with constant repairs.

Cost of ownership

Depending on the car make and model you choose to buy, the cost of ownership may be higher or lower than the initial purchase price. When calculating the ownership cost, you need to include fuel, maintenance, price of genuine spare parts and even the resale value.


If the cost of owning the car is too high, it would be better to opt for a different make and model. Especially if you plan on having the car for a long time. Research on the car you are interested in and read buyer reviews on how much it costs to maintain the car. From there, you will be in a better position to make the right decision.


When deciding to buy a car, you wanted convenience. You have places to be without the hustle of using public transportation. However, if you can’t count on your car then it’s time to buy a new one.


A car that needs frequent visits to the mechanic can not be relied upon. Therefore when choosing a car, ensure it is in good condition to limit your costs on repairs. This will mostly apply if you are buying a used car.


Test drive the car you are buying and have the mechanic check the car for any problems before purchasing it. In case you are buying a brand new car or new to the market car, go through consumer reports and find out what other users have to say about the car’s reliability.



Buying a car is a big decision. We have narrowed down the most important things to consider before purchasing one. However, keep in mind other factors such as the cost and type of insurance cover you need and the purpose you need the car to serve.


For instance, if you have a family but still need a cool car, consider buying a multipurpose car. You do not need two cars if one can serve the purpose unless of course, you can afford it.

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