Vehicle Sellers Corner

Covid-19 - Cheki Nigeria update - Cover image 1

Covid-19: Cheki Nigeria Update To Our Customers

Dear Car Buyers | Car Dealers | Private Car Sellers and Vehicle Owners, Thank you for trusting us as your go-to cars portal. We’re grateful and also feel a deep sense of responsibility towards you. Along with the rest of the world, we’re concerned about the spread of the COVID-19 virus globally and the impact

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COVID-19 - Business Tips For Car Dealers - Cheki Nigeria

COVID-19 Restrictions: Business Tips For Car Dealers

To take care of its customers and employees, car dealers in Nigeria will need to make a few adjustments and adopt a new business approach to comply with social distancing as the Coronavirus pandemic rages on. Below are some safety and business tips for car dealers in Nigeria Online Selling/Buying Experience As a car dealer,

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