Covid-19 - Cheki Nigeria update - Cover image 1

Covid-19: Cheki Nigeria Update To Our Customers

Dear Car Buyers | Car Dealers | Private Car Sellers and Vehicle Owners,

Thank you for trusting us as your go-to cars portal. We’re grateful and also feel a deep sense of responsibility towards you.

Along with the rest of the world, we’re concerned about the spread of the COVID-19 virus globally and the impact it will have on our social and economic systems. To continue to serve as many car buyers, car dealers, private car sellers and vehicle owners as possible whilst being responsive and responsible to the Cheki Nigeria team, we are making a few changes.

In summary:

We’re aiming for 100% of Cheki Nigeria staff to work from home, to minimise the likelihood of infection. However, our support team will still be available during all working hours.

Our entire website and related services remain available for your continual use. We encourage all car buyers, car dealers, private car sellers and vehicle owners to take advantage of online channels and tools available to help them make more informed decisions.


We have worked out some useful tips that are designed to help you meet your needs as you will see below:

For Car Dealers and Private Sellers

  • As our local communities urge us to stay at home during COVID-19, more people will be spending time online and on social media. Ensure your dealership is there as well
  • You need to communicate that your business is open or closed and let your existing and potential customers know you have a plan
  • If you’ve made changes to your daily operations, update your business hours on ‘Google My Business,’ and update your business description to reflect any changes
  • If you are temporarily closing your car lot, what services are you still providing, and how can they get those services be accessed?
  • Let your customers know if they should expect delays in response or service
  • If you have a website, update your Contact Us page, and create a blog article or website page with all the answers to how your business operations may be adjusting
  • Ensure you are Be digitally visible and available – As more consumers turn to the web and social media, it’s important for you to have a strong digital presence
  • Focus on making the car buying process easier and not harder for your customers
  • Consider offering at-home vehicle deliveries and test drives

A Recent Example

Last week, one of our dealer-customers called in to let us know that there was a decline in the number of people coming into his dealership due to the stay-at-home policy triggered by the outbreak of the coronavirus.

The dealer wanted to know what strategy he could try to tackle the challenge of the decline in visits to his dealership

The first thing we suggested was that he should remove all sources of friction in the customer’s car-buying process and to communicate to them that they do not have to physically come to the dealership to buy a car

Tips For Car Buyers

  • If you are swapping between cars, taking delivery of a car from a dealer, or test driving a car, ask for it to be cleaned thoroughly before getting in
  • Before you test-drive a car, areas to take extra care cleaning include the door handles, steering wheel, gearstick and radio controls. They are the surfaces that are most commonly handled
  • Feel free to ask the car dealer or private seller of the car can be sanitised and delivered to you in line with social distancing 
  • If you are meeting a car dealer, the meetings should not be of more than two or three people at a time, with all parties involved staying an appropriate distance apart and not spending too much time together
  • You must ensure that the car you are interested in buying is sanitised prior to the keys being handed over to you
  • Paperwork can be signed electronically in many cases

Tips For Vehicle Owners and Drivers

  • Vigorous washing of the exterior of your car with soap and water can also destroy a coronavirus
  • Soap and water are also safe for most car interiors—especially fabrics and older leather that may have begun to crack. Just be sure not to scrub too hard
  • Over time, cleaning leather in your car with alcohol can leave it susceptible to damage and discolouration
  • Most leather materials are dyed, and cleaning too vigorously can remove the dye
  • Don’t forget to wash your hands before and after driving. It’s a good habit to get into even outside of the spread of COVID-19
  • Avoid bleach except on simple plastics
  • When in doubt, test cleaners on a surface that can’t be easily seen first
  • When cleaning your car, prioritize the surfaces you touch. Don’t forget buttons and switches, your rearview mirror, even your gas cap
  • Wear gloves when cleaning and/or wash your hands thoroughly before and after
  • Have a trash bag handy for tissues or any disposable items like food wrappers that anyone in the car has handled
  • When cleaning your dashboard and interior, wipes are probably the best option here to avoid any water getting into the electrical components
  • Have a supply of tissues in your car. They are useful for you and your passengers, to catch coughs and sneezes.
  • Sneeze into your elbow – not your hands. It’s easier to spread the virus touching your own face and other people with your hands
  • Be friendly but forceful with passengers. If a passenger shows signs of illness, make sure they follow basic hygiene rules in place for everybody. Hand them tissues and wipes if needed. Ask them to contain coughs and sneezes

Contact Us

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the best way to slow the spread of the virus is to practice basic protective measures: wash hands frequently; maintain social distancing; avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth; practice respiratory hygiene; and seek medical care early if you have COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough and difficulty breathing). 

In order to safeguard and support the Cheki Nigeria team, we’re aiming for 100% of Cheki Nigeria staff to work from home, to minimise the likelihood of infection.

Nevertheless, we’re available to answer your phone calls during working hours, even as the team works remotely. This is in addition to our email and social media channels.

Continue to reach out to us. A dedicated support person is always available to assist you.

Contact us via email: 

Contact us on social media:





The situation is evolving rapidly and the Cheki Nigeria team remains vigilant in monitoring the situation and taking necessary actions as conditions evolve. We’ll communicate any updates with you as they materialise.

We’re grateful for your understanding and support, and wish you a healthy next couple of weeks.


The Cheki Nigeria Team