Cheki Finance Vox Pop - Nigerians Without Cars

Cheki Finance: Meet Nigerians Who Would Love to Buy cars

If you don’t own a car of your own yet, chances are that you definitely look forward to saving to buy one or getting a car loan to acquire one in the days ahead. However, this does not change the fact that you have to go to work and get back him on a daily basis.

Based on this premise, we set out to speak to Nigerians in this Cheki Finance Vox Pop about their experiences, dreams and realities they would have to deal with when buying their own cars. Below are some of the questions we asked as well as how they responded.

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Preferred Car Brand/Model

We asked respondents to tell us what car brand/model they would go for if they were to buy a car this year. Their responses barely came as a surprise as they bared their mind with a flurry of responses.

Things got more interesting as they backed their choices with reasons for picking them.

Going to Work and Getting Back Home

Facing the hassles of traffic in Lagos can be such a challenge. We asked respondents about their preferred means of transportation to work and back home. As expected, they had some really interesting things to share with us.

Sharing the News of Buying a Car

Buying a car naturally comes with a lot of excitement but we wanted to know the first person our respondents would want to share the news with. We asked them and they had some fun things to say.

Price Range

It didn’t end there. We asked respondents to pick a realistic price range for a car they would be really interested in buying. They did and things got even more interesting.

To see the complete Vox Pop, CLICK HERE or watch below

If you are interested in getting a car loan in Nigeria, you can get started by applying for one from Cheki Finance. Get started here.

Cheki Finance 1 - Car Loans in Nigeria

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