Covid-19 Cheki Kenya Update To Our Customers

Covid-19 Cheki Kenya Update To Our Customers

Dear Car Buyers | Car Dealers | Private Car Sellers and Vehicle Owners,

Thank you for trusting us as your go-to cars portal. We’re grateful and also feel a deep sense of responsibility towards you. Along with the rest of the world, we’re concerned about the spread of the COVID-19 virus globally and the impact it will have on our social and economic systems. To continue to efficiently serve all our clients whilst being responsive and responsible to the Cheki Kenya team, we are making a few changes.

In summary

To slow down the spread of COVID-19, World Health Organisation (WHO) advises that: people should maintain social distancing; avoid touching the face; and practice good hygiene tips like sneezing into the crook of your elbow. In order to safeguard the health of our team, we are aiming for 100% of Cheki Kenya staff to work from home, to minimise the likelihood of infection. However, our support team will still be available during all working hours.


Our entire website and related services remain available for your continual use. We encourage all car buyers, car dealers, private car sellers and vehicle owners to take advantage of online channels and tools available to help them make more informed decisions. We have put together a few tips to help you while we strive to beat this pandemic.


Tips For Car Dealers And Private Sellers

  • Considering the need to stay home to lower the risks of infection during this period, more people will be making online purchases. It is advisable that you transfer your offline dealership to an online marketplace.
  • Ensure you put out a statement to your clientele to know if you are open for business or not.
  • Update your ‘Google My business account’ to reflect the changes you have made in your business. Update the description as well.
  • In case you have temporarily closed your car lot let the clients know what others services you are still providing.
  • Let your clients know in case there will be delays in the delivery of services and if possible give them a rough estimate of time.
  • Update your website and ensure you build a strong digital presence considering the fact that a lot of consumers are turning to online platforms for services.
  • If possible, consider having safe home delivery services and test drives. This makes the car buying process easier for your clients.

Tips For Car Buyers

  • Before getting into a car for a test drive or switching cars, ask if the car had been recently fumigated.
  • Ensure that the car touch points like the door handles, the gear, the steering wheel are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before you get in for a test drive.
  • If you are meeting the dealer of the seller, keep a respectable distance between yourself and them and try as much as possible to meet in a secure place for your safety.
  • If possible, have the car transfer documents signed electronically to avoid unnecessary contact and lower the risk of infection.

Tips For Vehicle Owners and Drivers

  • Thoroughly wash the interior and exterior of your car frequently with clean water and soap.
  • Wash your hands frequently before and after driving around your car to reduce the risk of infection.
  • In the event, you are unable to wash your hands frequently, have a bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer to sanitize your hands before you board the car and after you alight.
  • Use gloves and a mask if you are a taxi driver considering the fact you don’t know if your passenger is sick or not.
  • Have a good supply of tissues and antibacterial wet wipes in your car to use in case you have a cold or need to quickly clean up surfaces or even for use when opening doors for your passenger.
  • Sneeze and cough into the crooks of your elbow if you have a cold or flu.
    As the vehicle owner or operator, ensure that your passengers follow the guidelines issued to protect themselves and those around them from getting infected.

Parting Shot

We still aim to serve you the best way we can. Reach out to us anytime during work hours and our committed customer support team will offer their assistance.


Contact us via email:
Phone number: +254-788952492


Contact us on social media:

The situation is evolving rapidly and the Cheki Kenya team remains vigilant in monitoring the situation and taking necessary actions as conditions evolve. We’ll communicate any updates with you as they materialise.


We’re grateful for your understanding and support, stay online! stay safe.

The Cheki Kenya Team

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