Prepare your car for a sale 3

3 Ways to Get Your Car Ready For a Sale

If you are thinking of selling your used car and you’re not sure where to start from, you can begin by prepping your thoughts towards preparing your car for sale.

You don’t need to be an auto expert or a professional car dealer to put your car in a condition where it can fetch you the best possible price. However, there are a few things you need to prioritise when preparing your car for a sale. Have a look at three things you should consider doing before you put your car up for sale.

Prepare your car for a sale

1. Give it a Good Look

If you want to get your car sold in the fastest possible time, you need to give it a face-lift for your potential buyers. This is an obvious requirement for getting your car ready for sale. The car has to look good, smell good and make the potential buyer feel good about buying it. This is the time to search the car for those food stains on the car seat and other parts of the interiors as well as the dashboard. This is the time to remove those personal stickers from the bumper that display your love for a particular presidential candidate, celebrity or brand.

Your car needs to be in a condition that when the potential buyer comes to inspect the car, the vehicle looks set to fall into the hands of a new owner. In other words, strip the car of all the personal attachments you might have for it. Instead, channel your effort into giving the car a visual and functional lift. This goes a long way in raising the appeal of the car in the estimation of the buyer.

Prepare your car for a sale 1

2. Get the Maintenance History Updated

Getting your car’s maintenance records updated is another step towards getting your car ready for sale. The maintenance history proves two things to buyers – One, that the vehicles that he/she wants to buy has been carefully used and properly maintained, and two, they (buyers) are assured of the working condition of the car.

While updating the maintenance records, also try to get the faulty parts repaired. Ensure that the mechanical parts of the car are all in good working condition. Fix the dashboard warning lights and fill up the reservoir of the washer fluid light if it is on. If there are complicated mechanical issues, ensure that your mechanic attends to them in detail. These repairs are going to add to the value of your car.

Alongside the maintenance records, you also need to get the car’s paperwork ready. No one wants to buy a car that doesn’t have its complete paperwork.

Prepare your car for a sale 2

3. Get the Car Valued

One good way of valuing your car is to search for cars similar to your car online and then compare the average selling price of the car. Do not try to inflate the value of the car because buyers also conduct online searches to determine the value of used cars.

What you should strive to achieve is to make the price of the car competitive but negotiable.

Final Thoughts on Preparing a Car For Sale

If your goal is to make as much money as possible from the sale of your used car, then we suggest that you do the following to give your car a bigger face-lift:

  • Wax the car
  • Clean out the dirt and grime from the wheels
  • Do the inside job – Pull out the removable floor mats and clean the stains
  • Fix all dents
  • Take good pictures (and video if possible) of the car

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