Subaru cars

5 Key Reasons Why You should buy A Subaru Car

There is no doubt that many Subaru owners will never trade their cars for any other. It is a fact that Subaru cars are among the most sought after cars in Kenya. The cars are loved because of their safety, practicality and other economic aspects. Below are 5 major reasons which make Subaru  champions in the automotive industry:

Great Reliability

Great Reliability- Subaru

It is very rare to find a Subaru being towed due to a mechanical problem. Maybe if it was involved in an accident. That is the advantage they have over other cars. Another reason why Subaru is reliable is; Servicing can be done four times a year, that is for a Subarus using mineral oil.

This is broken down into two minor services, one intermediate and one major service.

On the other hand, a Subaru using synthetic oil will need only two services a year. That is one minor and one major service. Compared to other brands which need more than four services in a year, a Subaru car will definitely save you some servicing money.

Elegant Aging

Elegant Aging-Subaru

A Subaru can comfortably give you 300,000 miles if well maintained. Achieving this is as simple as ensuring that the pistons, rings, crankshafts and the bearings are always oiled.

Another key thing to getting the most out of a Subaru is to ensure that your driving habits have a matching maintenance schedule depending on the severity of the driving conditions.

Availability of Spare Parts

Spare Parts-Subaru

Walk into any town in Kenya and you will easily find a Subaru spare parts shop. Therefore, You do not have to get stressed about where to get the spare parts. To add onto, that they are readily available at pocket-friendly prices

Easy Upgrade

Easy Upgrade-Subaru

Another joy that comes with owning a Subaru is; The ability to easily upgrade or downgrade from a naturally assimilated engine to a turbocharged engine and vice versa.

The mechanism is simple. Since all Subaru cars use a boxer engine, it is easy to add or remove a turbocharger. A turbocharger basically increases the amount of fuel being burned in the engine giving the car more power. On the other hand, a naturally assimilated engine burns fuel as per the specifications of the normal boxer engine.

All Weather Car

All Weather-Subaru

A Subaru is built for any kind of any weather and road condition. Be it the rugged terrain or the smooth urban roads. The all-wheel-drive system in most Subaru models makes it invincible, especially during the rainy weather. This is what makes it an all-around power train.


If you are thinking of getting one of these machines, it is simple. Cheki Kenya has both new and used Subaru Cars at affordable prices. Get first-hand experience by buying one for yourself.

The deal even gets better, the new models include the new improved Subaru Forester and Subaru OutBack. The new features give these two models a cutting edge among other station wagons.

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