Jobs For Car Lovers

Top 10 Jobs For People Who Love Cars

If you are passionate about cars, the way they are built, how they move, the sound they make, the craftsmanship and engineering and their peculiar designs, then you should consider converting this passion into a career within the automobile industry. Regardless of how deep your love for cars runs, there is an array of jobs for car lovers like you.

The automobile industry is one of the largest employers of labour in Nigeria and creates jobs directly and indirectly through the services it renders. Here are some jobs you may want to consider:

Jobs For Car Lovers


There is a growing list of opportunities in the job market for men and women like you who like the rhythm and adrenaline of being behind the wheels. From valets to chauffeurs, stunt drivers and even taxi and truck drivers – There is always a place for a good driver in the job market. What is left is to monetise your love for driving by turning it into either a full-time job or a side hustle.


If you understand the language of car and how different parts of the car come together to work as one, then you should consider becoming an auto mechanic, especially if you don’t mind getting your hands dirty.

If you enjoy solving car-related problems, then you are on your way to becoming a sought-after mechanic. The best auto mechanics are never in need of a job. They always get referrals to their auto shop. If you don’t have a shop of your own, you can start out at your local garage or a dealership service centre.

However, you will be better off if you have a relevant qualification to go with your skills.


Are you thrilled about the latest cars each year? Do you love telling friends about how one model of a particular car differs from another? Are you the guy your friends turn to whenever they want to make a decision about the next car to buy? If this describes you, then you are an easy fit for the job of a car salesperson.

The job of a car salesperson will bring you closer to the latest in automobile technology as it happens. You will earn money from the free talking you previously do with friends by giving informed advice to customers about the different cars that fit their needs. In essence, you help them make more informed decisions.

If you can couple your knowledge of cars with an MBA, you will find yourself with a flurry of opportunities within the automobile industry.

Automobile Journalist

There are people who are good at writing about cars rather than talking about them. They can capture the latest technology present on the dashboard of a new model in ways no salesperson can. Reading an article by them can spur you into buying a particular car model over others.

There are those who do not necessarily have the writing skills but can express their passion and understanding of cars in spoken words. Such people can delve into details on the beauty and performance of different cars with relative ease. If you consider yourself a member of this category, then you have a career waiting for you as a journalist. Car enthusiasts can also write for a car blog or automobile section of a blog or a news website.

In some cases, such people can have their skills refined into being able to anchor radio and television programmes about cars. Those who do not want the hassles of a 9-5 job have taken to running commentaries on YouTube channels where they command huge followings and earnings in the process.


This is a more formal occupation for car lovers. It is also one of the best job openings in the automotive industry. Dealerships make their money this way – They enter into an agreement with automobile industries and will distribute the cars. They cover important services such as maintenance, sale of spare parts, servicing, etc. They specialise in local car sales and, more often than not, deal in different brands of cars. Because this field involves a lot of money, any car lover interested in it needs to have a business management degree or skills to succeed.

Car Designing

Are you curious about the various car parts and how they are assembled? Do you sometimes feel that there should be more leg space and technological upgrades in a car than what it holds? Do you hold strong opinions about car designs? There may be a career for you in the world of car designing.

This is a more technical and specialised area for car lovers. Mechanical engineers are involved in the conception of designs for car parts. They also conceive how the various car parts will be assembled. Car designers worry about things such as fuel-efficiency, innovations, cost-saving and technology.

The mad rush to produce the fastest cars and sportiest rides cannot be separated from the competition between car designers to outdo one another. The rivalry often breeds the need to earn bragging rights and have a dominant hold on the automobile industry. It goes without saying that design engineers earn fat salaries.

Test Driver

If you consider your driving skills at par with some of the scenes from the popular ‘Fast & Furious’ movies, then you could be a test driver for the choicest and most exclusive cars in the world.

People earn money from serving as test drivers for brands such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bugatti and other exclusive brands in their class.

As a test driver, you are the first person to get the feel of what the car can do in terms of performance, speed and safety. This is no doubt an exclusive job and demands a wide array of skills.

Car Rental Agent

Car rental agents make it easy for travellers and vacationers to enjoy a home away from home, by giving them the convenience of their preferred ride. You will be the link between customers and the vehicle of their choice.

You will also be held responsible for documentation as well. This position may not likely need any kind of formal degree or academic qualification.


This is a case of love taken too far. A restorer is a car lover who believes that cars of yesteryears should not just go gentle into the grey side of oblivion. A restorer preserves vintage cars and sometimes worries about bringing old quality cars to their former glory.


These are the silent workers in the chain of production of a car. They work in different factories, building cars into the proper shape of its design. Even for imported cars, or car companies that have assembly plants in places different from where the parts were produced, assemblymen still play a great role in fixing the cars into the proper shape.

Final Thoughts on Jobs For Car Lovers

Regardless of what you settle for, we encourage you to constantly seek to update your skills and knowledge about cars, especially in their ever-changing face of technological advancements within the automobile industry. You need to keep up with trends and keep your skills relevant.

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