christmas road safety tips

5 Road Safety Tips Every Driver Should Follow This Christmas

Every year Kenya loses about 3000 lives on our roads, with the high frequency being during the festive season. This is due to numerous factors. We at Cheki Kenya would love you to enjoy your festive season and stay alive by following the simple road safety tips below.

They will keep you and loved ones safe on the road during this festive season.

Wear Safety Belts

Before embarking on any journey on public/private transport, always wear your safety belt. This is the primary safety equipment that prevents you from being hurled outside the vehicle during an accident. It also reduces the risk of serious injury.

All vehicles come with safety belts and the recently enforced ‘Michuki Rules’ has made it a prerequisite that all public service vehicles to be fitted with seat belts.

Don’t Drink and Drive

Driving under the influence is a major cause of road accidents during this period. Alcohol and other controlled substances affect the Central Nervous System (CNS).

It reduces your reaction time and judgement. Alcohol induces drowsiness and one may fall asleep behind the wheel thus cause an accident that may seriously injure you and your passengers.

If you have to drink please use a taxi or if in a group have a designated driver who will be sober to drive you home safely.

dont drink and drive

Comfort Breaks

Before embarking on a long-distance trip, ensure that you have had enough sleep and rest before taking the journey. A great deal of accidents is caused by drivers falling asleep on the wheel due to fatigue.

To avoid that always take comfort breaks after 150 kilometres where you can have a cup of coffee to stimulate your system and keep you alert at all times. If you have an extra driver you can swap at certain intervals during the journey.

driving breaks

Avoid Night Driving

Driving in the night is very risky especially in Kenya where the road network is poorly marked with signage and lack of street lighting on major roads. Driving in the dark requires double the concentration levels due to low light conditions.

The risk is even higher as many intoxicated drivers do ply the roads which creates a hazard for other road users. If you have to drive at night ensure both low and high beams are working. Don’t dazzle oncoming traffic with high beams.

You should also carry a reflective vest for yourself and ensure that the vehicle has a reflector just in case of a puncture, to increase visibility.

night driving

Carry Emergency Kit

During road trips, anything can happen. It’s important that you carry an emergency kit that may come in handy. The first aid box must be fully equipped to handle first aid incidences in case of an accident or incident.

A blanket, 5-litre jerrycan of clean water, matches, jumper cables, tow rope, emergency torch and a charged feature phone should complete the full emergency kit.

car emergency kit

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