Used car sellers red flags

5 Red Flags to Avoid When Selling Used Cars

Are there red flags you need to avoid when selling used cars? Well, the answer is yes! Selling a used car is not as easy as it seems yet it is not as complicated as many have painted it to be. When it comes to selling cars, it doesn’t count if you have done it several times; one mistake can send a buyer out of the door.

The trick, therefore, is to pay attention to the methods that have worked and are effective in convincing buyers to part with cash. However, you need to be wary of certain red flags you should avoid when selling used cars: 

Car value - Used Car Sellers Red Flags

Not Knowing the Value of Your Car

One of the first things to do when selling your used car is to get it valued or search the cost of the same car online. Different car websites have prices of different cars; all you need to do is look at the price range for your car and set a fair price.

To make it easier for you to get a fair price for any car you intend to sell, you can use the Cheki True Price tool. It is designed to provide car buyers and sellers like you with accurate information on the prices of cars in Nigeria.

To underscore the importance of knowing the value of your car, it is important to state here that the only thing that is as bad as not knowing the value of your car is lying to yourself that your car is worth more than its true value.

If your car has dents or mechanical faults, it is good to factor this into the value of your car.

Mislead - Used Car Sellers Red Flags

Misleading Potential Buyers

A red flag greater than lying to yourself about your car’s worth is lying to potential buyers about the condition of your car. You don’t have to hide anything from buyers. Share honest information with them about the true state of your car. Misleading information about the car, if found out before the sale, will only make potential buyers uncomfortable and distrustful of you. The same level of distrust will be extended to the car you want to sell. These will hurt your chances of finding buyers for your car.

Be honest about the state of your car. Things like major repairs, accident reports are things that potential buyers will be happy to know about.

Leaving the Car in a Mess

The idea that customers will understand that it’s an old car and you don’t have to clean it before putting it up for sale has made many cars unsellable. Avoid this costly mistake!

Whether it is right or wrong, buyers will judge your car by what it looks like. Of course, a typical buyer would still check out the interior of the car but what the car looks like at first glance speaks volumes about its condition.

Cleaning your car actually increases its chances of being sold. The first impression your car gives from the photos stays with the potential buyers for a long time. It goes a long way into prodding them to take a second look at the car or to never look at it again.

Set aside some time to clean the car before putting it up for sale. You’d be surprised what a few minutes of cleaning can do.

blurry car

Using Poor Photos of Your Car

If you plan to sell your car online, it is best to include photos of your car to prepare buyers for what you have. You have to take the best shots of your car with good angles and lighting. The interior, the front view and back view and dashboard should be captured in high-quality lighting to entice buyers.

As earlier noted, do not mislead buyers by hiding a dent or damage if there are any. Also, provide a true description of your car to them.

Covered car - Used Car Sellers Red Flags

Not Ready to Show Your Car to Buyers

If you are not ready to show your car to buyers, then you have no need putting it up for sale. Once your car is up for sale, buyers are likely to start calling. It is best to exploit the early interest and get the car sold as quickly as possible instead of dilly-dallying.


Final Thoughts on Red Flags For Used Car Sellers

You need to be thorough in the process of selling your used car – For instance, you can’t have mismatched colours on the exterior of your car and expect a potential buyer to be excited about the car.

Also, you can’t lower the price of the car you intend to sell to the point that it begins to attract suspicion from potential buyers. According to the Inventory Quality Control Supervisor, Cheki Nigeria, Victor Iyagin, “the moment a potential car buyer makes up his/her mind that the price of your car is suspicious, then he/she will simply extend the same suspicion to the car you’re selling. When you are selling a car, trust is an invaluable asset.”

If you have a car you want to sell, Cheki Nigeria offers you a platform to get your car sold to thousands of potential car buyers who use the website.

Sell your car in Nigeria